Pages: 90
Series: IdL
ISBN: 9788842093374
We can no longer afford the Welfare State. FALSE
Capitan Swing (Spagna)
Right or left, down with ideologies, hurray for banks: are these the choices that must be made to stay in Europe?
“Because Europe says so!” is one of the most oft-repeated phrases of these times of crisis and calls for sacrifices: we hear it repeated ad nauseam and we have internalized it to the point of not even questioning it anymore. But is it a true proposition? Or are we merely victims of a trope which is deeply rooted and slow to perish?
In this deftly-written pamphlet argued in brief paragraphs, Luciano Canfora illustrates how this phrase conceals a paradox of contemporary life: the transfer of decision-making power from the member states of a continent conceived as a political entity, when in reality it is no such thing.
È l'Europa che ce lo chiede! Falso!
ma come fanno gli americani?
di Furio Colombo
È l'Europa che ce lo chiede! Falso!
Si salvi chi può dall'eurocapestro
di Leonardo Petrocelli
È l'Europa che ce lo chiede! Falso!
Ma come fanno gli americani?
di F. Colombo