Pages: 126
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842076292
Critique of Democratic Rhetoric
Editora Estaçao Liberdade (Brazil) - Flammarion (France) - Metaichmio (Greece) - IDEA Design & Print (Romania) - Critica (Spain)
An intelligent critique of a story spanning two thousand and five hundred years of history. Franco Cardini From Socrates to Bush, a disenchanted reflection on the limits of democracy and an appeal for critical reason in an era of totalitarian thought and ‘democratic fundamentalism’, systems according to which any economic and political organization different to our own is inadmissible.
The author

Luciano Canfora
Luciano Canfora, historian of the ancient world and an Italian philologist, is one of Italy’s foremost living intellectuals. Professor emeritus of Greek and Latin philology at the University of Bari, he is a member of the “Institute for the classical tradition” in Boston, of the “Fondazione Istituto Gramsci” in Rome, and directs the journal Quaderni di storia. His numerous studies, translated worldwide, are characterised by a multidisciplinary approach and a broad field of research. Among his most recent publications: Fermare l’odio; La metamorfosi; Il tesoro degli Ebrei. Roma e Gerusalemme; La democrazia dei signori; Catilina. Una rivoluzione mancata; Sovranità limitata.
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