Edition: 2010
Pages: 142
Series: SL
ISBN: 9788842092087
Pages: 142
Series: SL
ISBN: 9788842092087
The Political Use of Historical Paradigms
"History - so it is said - is written by the victors, but the problem is to understand who they are." Even if this is a field that lends itself to paradox, it is also undeniable that much depends on the period under consideration: that is, on the meaning attributed to certain events and their interpretations as well as on the comparison of different, possible, analogies. Analogy as the principle tool of historical inquiry forms the core of this book, whose main theme is how historical events are considered, and whose constant interlocutor is historical revisionism. Accordingly the reader confronts from start to end two archetypical events in our history, the French and Russian Revolutions, set on the testing ground of analogical comprehension and of the mental comings and goings of revisionism.