Edition: 2024
Pages: 304
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842063230

The Cult of the Littorio

Emilio Gentile


Harvard University Press (USA); Siglo XXI (Argentina/Spain); Plon Perrin (Francia)



A journey into Fascist symbolism, the myths, rituals, and monuments of a political movement that aspired to convert millions of Italians to the dogmas of a new religion.

The author

Emilio Gentile

Emilio Gentile is an historian of international renown, he is emeritus professor at ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome. He received the Hans Sigrist Prize at the University of Berna for his studies on the religions of politics. Among his main works published by Laterza, often reprinted and translated all over the world: The Cult of the Lictor: the sacralisation of politics in fascist Italy; Politics as religion; Fascism: History and interpretation; Fascism in three chapters; God’s democracy: American religion after September 11 (Burzio Prize); Stone fascism; Two gunshots, ten million dead, the end of a world; The March on Rome and Fascism in Power; The leader and the Crowd; “In a democracy people are always sovreign” False!.

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