Edition: 2007
Pages: 176
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842083139

The Revolutions of Capitalism

Valerio Castronovo


The nascent world-economy, the developments of industrialisation, neo-capitalism and its success, the contest between the most advanced countries, the rise of Asia and Russia's recovery, the problems of underdevelopment and global market governance, the advent of computers, the pursuit of a new social model, a geo-economic scenario without frontiers. In clear and accessible prose, Valerio Castronovo delivers a global overview of the key events in economic and social history from the past to the present day.

The author

Valerio Castronovo

Valerio Castronovo, former full professor of contemporary history at the University of Turin, is editor of the history review “Prometeo”. Among his publications with us: Storia dell’economia mondiale (six volumes, edited by, 1996-2002); Un passato che ritorna. L’Europa e la sfida dell’Asia (2006); Le rivoluzioni del capitalismo (n.e., 2007); Piazze e caserme. I dilemmi dell’America Latina dal Novecento a oggi (2007); Cento anni di imprese. Storia di Confindustria 1910-2010 (20102); Novecento italiano (i.a., 20112).

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