Pages: 194
Series: SS
ISBN: 9788842074175
History of Emilia Romagna. 1. From its Origins to the Seventeenth Century
The authors

Massimo Montanari
Massimo Montanari teaches Medieval History and History of Food at the University of Bologna, where he also directs the Masters in “History and Culture of Food”. His books are widely translated in many languages. His last work Il Mito delle origini. Breve storia degli spaghetti al pomodoro (Laterza, 2019) was a bestseller translated into English, Spanish, Greek, German, Hebrew, Slovenian.
Scopri l'autoreMaurizio Ridolfi
Maurizio Ridolfi is a researcher in Contemporary History at the University of Viterbo. He studies in particular processes of politicization and forms of sociability. For Laterza he has published Il PSI e la nascita di un partito di massa. 1892-1922 (1992). He has devoted several works to the republican tradition in Italian history, amongst which: Il partito della Repubblica (1872-1895) (1989).
Scopri l'autoreRenato Zangheri
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