Edition: 1999
Pages: 182
Series: LR
ISBN: 9788842058830

The Fierce Saladdin and Richard Coeur de Lion

Franco Cardini, Teresa Buongiorno


A story of princes and sultans, of crusades in the Holy Land and child brides which took place eight hundred years ago. With the aim of learning to respect differences cultures.

The authors

Teresa Buongiorno

Teresa Buongiorno having started her career as a historian has turned to journalism. She is principally concerned with mass media, literature and children's culture. She has edited various children's programmes for RAI Television and has published historical novels, generally set in the Middle Ages. Of these we mention: Il ragazzo che fu Carlomagno (winner of the Andersen Prize, Turin 1985), Il marchio dei Merovingi (winner of the Selezione Bancarellino Prize, Turin 1987), Camelot. L'invenzione della tavola rotonda (Milan 1995) and Il Dizionario della fiaba (Milan 1997). Her work has been translated into many languages including Braille.

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Franco Cardini

Franco Cardini is an emeritus professor at the Italian Institute of Human Sciences; Research Director at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris; Fellow of Harvard University; and a member of the scientific board of the Scuola Superiore di Scienze Storiche of the Università degli Studi, San Marino.

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