Edition: 2025
Pages: 312
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788858133651

The Conspiracy - Power and Revenge in the Florence of Medici

Franco Cardini - Barbara Frale



Envy towards a man who appeared constantly blessed by fortune, a ruthless conspiracy, a tragic epilogue.

Two leading historians tell the story of a bloody conspiracy targeting the Medici family. Giuliano fell victim to it. His brother Lorenzo, at the height of his power, escaped with his life but embarked on a war that would ultimately destroy him.

1459. Lorenzo de’ Medici, barely ten years old, is sent by his family to Ferrara as Florence’s ambassador to duke Borso D’Este; he, like emperor Frederick III, who travelled through the city, is struck by the young boy’s uncommon intellectual maturity.

1469. Lorenzo, now 20, marries Clarice Orsini, descended from an ancient, powerful line of Roman barons. The marriage seals Lorenzo’s place in society: he now has the warewithal to rule Florance. As a young man of great genius and many talents – he is an artist, a musician and an expert on ancient art, not to mention an excellent diplomat – Lorenzo rids himself of the low profile his grandfather and father Piero had scrupulously maintained.

1478. Lorenzo is at the peak of his fortune. Undisputed ‘signore’ of Florence, although the city prides itself on being a Republic, he is a welcome guest in every Italian court and has made an excellent match that ensures his succession. Yet a series of mistakes committed in the recent past threaten to unseat him. He faces hostility from the new Pope, Sixtus IV, who released the Medici from their lucrative position as papal bankers; hatred from Volterra, exploited for its natural resources; vengeance from the Pazzi family, who have grown in power and now represent a formidable rival.

The authors

Franco Cardini

Franco Cardini is an emeritus professor at the Italian Institute of Human Sciences; Research Director at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris; Fellow of Harvard University; and a member of the scientific board of the Scuola Superiore di Scienze Storiche of the Università degli Studi, San Marino.

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Barbara Frale

Barbara Frale, medieval historian and expert in ancient documents, is an official at the Secret Vatican Archives. She has worked for various Italian newspapers and broadcasters and on historical reports and documentaries. Her most recent publications include: The Shroud of Jesus of Nazareth (Maverick House); Il principe e il pescatore. Pio XII, il nazismo e la tomba di San Pietro (‘ The prince and the sailor. Pius XII, Nazism and the tomb of St Peter’, Mondadori); La lingua segreta degli dei (‘The secret language of the gods’, Mondadori); L’inganno del gran rifiuto. La vera storia di Celestino V, papa dimissionario (‘Great rejection, great deception. The true story behind pope Celestine V’s resignation’, UTET); Andare per la Roma dei Templari (‘A journey through Templar Rome’, Il Mulino); Crimine di Stato. La diffamazione dei Templari (‘State crimes. The defamation of the Templars’, Giunti); La guerra di Francesco. Gioventù di un santo ribelle (‘Francesco’s war. Youth of a rebel saint’, UTET). For Laterza, La leggenda nera dei Templari (‘The black legend of the Templars’).

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