Pages: 182
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842090762
Against the Ethics of Truth
Istitutp Juridico (Brazil)
“Against the ethics of truth means being in favour of an ethics of doubt. Despite appearances, doubt is by no means the opposite of truth. It is a reaffirmation and homage to truth, but to a truth that has always and must always be re-examined and rediscovered.” When will the champions of supposedly absolute truth succeed in convincing themselves that politics and civil ethics are not the mere application of their own deeply-held faiths or convictions, but a mediation between faiths, convictions, opinions, norms and concrete situations? To arrive here—to what is, after all, the condition of democratic life—there is no other way than what Zagrebelsky calls the ‘ethics of doubt’, the only way that honours the truth no-one possesses, because from era to era, truth is always found in the middle. Umberto Galimberti