Edition: 2010
Pages: 204
Series: STL
ISBN: 9788842091929

Democracy in Nine Lessons. For good politics

Michelangelo Bovero - Valentina Pazé (a cura di)



One major issue, democracy, and nine academics from a range of disciplines. Nine lessons for a school dedicated to citizens who feel the need to study and learn how to be good citizens: capable of taking part in the democratic process and recovering ground in the public arena. For those who wish to recover the desire - the urge, the wish - to do so. To engage in politics. In 'good politics' if such a thing is possible.

The authors

Michelangelo Bovero

Michelangelo Bovero is professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Turin and also directs the city's School for Good Politics. His major published works include Society and State in Modern Political Philosophy (with Norberto Bobbio, 1979) and The Imbalances of Terror (with Ermanno Vitale, 2006).

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Valentina Pazé

Valentina Pazé is a researcher in Political Philosophy at the University of Turin, where she teaches Theories of Human Rights. She edited the book: The Work of Norberto Bobbio. Reading itineraries (Milan 2005).

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