Edition: 2000
Pages: 194
Series: SL
ISBN: 9788842061748

Against the Government of the Worst. A Grammar of Democracy.

Michelangelo Bovero


Equality, freedom, citizenship; the adjectives such as formal and substantial, direct and indirect, presidential and parliamentary; the verbs such as elect, represent, decide, are some of the key words of a grammar of democracy. Facing the confusion of the political communication, this book will attempt to redefine the rules for a correct and non-equivocal use of these terms.

The author

Michelangelo Bovero

Michelangelo Bovero is professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Turin and also directs the city's School for Good Politics. His major published works include Society and State in Modern Political Philosophy (with Norberto Bobbio, 1979) and The Imbalances of Terror (with Ermanno Vitale, 2006).

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