Edition: 2021
Pages: 370
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842087472

Raphael. A charmed life

Antonio Forcellino


Editura All (Romania); Seuil (France); Siedler (Germany); Ves Mir (Russia); Alianza (Spain)



“Was he able to paint the world’s most beautiful Madonnas because he knew how to paint the world’s most sensual women, or is it the other way round? Raffaello. A charmed life, or: how to write a biography.” Antonio D’Orrico, “Corriere della Sera Magazine” In the past century a legend has sprung up regarding the artist’s reputed torment and desperation: Raffaello thoroughly demolishes all traces of this romantic myth and demonstrates, on the contrary, how his very full happiness and the gratification of his impulses enabled him to scale the highest peaks of creativity.

The author

Antonio Forcellino

Antonio Forcellinois one of Europe’s leading scholars of Renaissance art. He has carried out restorations of works of absolute value, such as Michelangelo’s Moses and Rapha­el’s The Sibyls. As a historian, his focus has always been on psychological and biographical roots of great masterpieces. Author of a rich scientific literature, for Laterza he publi­shed Michelangelo. Una vita inquieta (2005), Raffaello. Una vita felice (2006), 1545. Gli ultimi giorni del Rinascimento (2008), Le­onardo. Genio senza pace (2016) and La Cappella Sistina. A Tale of a Masterpiece (2020), all translated into many languages.

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