Edition: 2024
Pages: 494
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842084761

Michelangelo. A restless life

Antonio Forcellino


Seuil (France); Siedler (Germany); Polity (Great Britain); Nieuw Amsterdam (Holland); Alianza (Spain); Editura All (Romania); Vysehrad (Repubblica ceca)



“This book is a precious occasion to get to know the real Michelangelo, free of the obfuscation of time: this man obsessed by art, at times wild, undoubtedly fragile and always unique. Forcellino even knows the millimetres of marble the artist struggled with and invites us to climb onto his scaffolds, where you may just make out the sound of his chisel at work.” Armando Torno, Corriere della Sera “Few Italian biographers are capable of writing with the passion of a novelist and precision of a scholar such as Forcellino. His Michelangelo speaks of the life of an artist that paid an extremely high price for his creativity, a price that would make him more famous than a king.” Brunella Schisa, il Venerdì di Repubblica


The author

Antonio Forcellino

Antonio Forcellinois one of Europe’s leading scholars of Renaissance art. He has carried out restorations of works of absolute value, such as Michelangelo’s Moses and Rapha­el’s The Sibyls. As a historian, his focus has always been on psychological and biographical roots of great masterpieces. Author of a rich scientific literature, for Laterza he publi­shed Michelangelo. Una vita inquieta (2005), Raffaello. Una vita felice (2006), 1545. Gli ultimi giorni del Rinascimento (2008), Le­onardo. Genio senza pace (2016) and La Cappella Sistina. A Tale of a Masterpiece (2020), all translated into many languages.

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