Edition: 2006
Pages: 168
Series: STL
ISBN: 9788842079354

Living Together

Andrea Riccardi


Europa Konyvkiado (Hungary) - Echter Verlag (Germany) - Humanitas (Romania)



We are all different but we are also united by deep bonds. In knowing and shaping nearness and distance, proximity and interconnections, we are engaging in that art of living together, which is the twin offspring of political realism and hope. It is realism set against a pluralist world. And the hope that the madding crowd will not return to haunt us. It’s the realisation of a civilisation made up of many civilisations or of many cultural, religious and political universes, without selling out and without fear of ‘the other’. An awareness of how necessary it is to know how to live together is the beginning of a shared culture.

The author

Andrea Riccardi

Andrea Riccardiis the founder of the Community of Sant’Egidio. He is a historian of the contemporary world and a scholar of the History of the Church and Christianity. Among his most recent books with Laterza: Convivere; L’inverno più lungo. 1943-44: Pio XII, gli ebrei e i nazisti a Roma; La strage dei cristiani. Mardin, gli armeni e la fine di un mondo; La Chiesa brucia, all widely translated all around the world.

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