Edition: 1998
Pages: 252
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842056812

A guide to the choice of high-school

Tullio De Mauro - Francesco De Renzo


At the age of thirteen Italian school-children must chose in which area to continue their studies. It is not an easy decision to take: Italian high-schools are a labirynth of different subjects and work orientations. To chose one out of all possible high-schools means to determine one's future. In a simple and easy language this book offers a help to the children and the parents in making this difficult choice by providing the necessary information to allow a conscious choice and useful advice on how to succesfully carry the study course to conclusion.

The authors

Tullio De Mauro

Tullio De Mauro was born in Torre Annunziata (Naples) in 1932. He taught Philosophy of Language in his native city and General Linguistics at the La Sapienza University of Rome, where he is currently professor emeritus. With UTET he published a major Dictionary of Italian Usage (in 8 volumes). His works published by Laterza include: Introduction to Semantics (1999); Understanding Words (n.e. 2002); Little Dictionary of Future Words (2006); Masterclass on Language (2011); Basic Linguistics (n.e. 2011); Minisemantics (2013).

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Francesco De Renzo

Francesco De Renzo is a sociolinguist. He works with the Italian Linguistic and Cultural Observatory of the University of Rome «La Sapienza». He has also contributed to the Lessico di frequenza dell'italiano popolare-LIP (Etas Libri, 1993) and is author, together with Tullio De Mauro, of Le lauree brevi (Il Mulino, 19963).

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