Edition: 2021
Pages: 432
Series: IR/L
ISBN: 9788858146026

Listening to Giuseppe Verdi

Giovanni Bietti



A book that expertly accompanies us as we listen to the works of one of the greatest composers of all time, immersing us in the historical and social context in which they came to light.

From Nabucco (1842) to Falstaff (1893), each chapter of this book is dedicated to one of the fifteen essential compositions by Giuseppe Verdi, recounting its plot, genesis and context, but most of all delving deep into its musical and dramatic substance. The accessible and informative tone with which it explores technical content, and the invaluable use of the composer's fascinating personal correspondence make this book suitable for both the novice and the expert. It allows those without musical knowledge to approach Verdi's works and appreciate their beauty, but at the same time it contains elements that may interest musicians or opera buffs. A detailed Glossary explains most of the technical terms used.

The author

Giovanni Bietti

Giovanni Bietti, composer, pianist, and musicologist, is considered one of the best Italian populizers of music. With Laterza he has published Ascoltare Beethoven (2013), Mozart all'opera (2015), Lo spartito del mondo: breve storia del dialogo tra culture in musica (2018) and La musica della luce. Dal Flauto magico alla Nona Sinfonia (2021).

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