Edition: 2020
Pages: 152
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788858141557

La Controriforma

Elena Bonora


Alianza (World Spanish)



The volume analyses a fundamental aspect of Italian and European History in the 16th century: the transformation of the Church of Rome following the challenge of Luther. The volume is divided into three parts: the first, chronological, focuses on the transformation process starting with the description of the religious and political situation in the early Sixteenth century; the second part concentrates on institutional figures and centres of decision (papacy, Inquisition, The Council of Trento, Religious Orders) who worked in the Church of Counter Reformation; the third investigates the relationship between the Church and Society.

The author

Elena Bonora

Elena Bonora teaches modern history at Parma University. She has published Conflicts of the Counter Reformation. Sanctity and obedience in the religious experience of the early Barnabites (Le Lettere 1998). For Laterza, Judging the bishops. The definition of power in the post-Tridentine Church (2007) and The Counter Reformation (2009).

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