Edition: 2020
Pages: 136
Series: IR/L
ISBN: 9788858141168

Winter Strawberries. How the climate transforms the food we eat

Fabio Ciconte



An essential book that explains the devastating effects our food choices are having on global warming and how this affects agriculture.

There is now a huge dependency between production processes, consumption habits and global warming; but there are steps we can take to make agriculture an ally of the planet. This book tells us which path we should be on.

Strawberry time used to be in the spring, before crops stopped following the cycle of seasons. Now we can eat them whether it's hot or cold, August or December. But at what cost?

We’re used to thinking of CO2 emissions exclusively in terms of energy production and transport. But have you ever wondered how much they depend on the food market? Agriculture and other land use is responsible for 23% of total emissions, a figure that reaches 37% if we include the processing of food products.
It’s plain to see that consumption has increased, and the offer of food has almost doubled. The consequences? The use of water and fertilisers has increased dramatically, as has the quantity of food waste; the exploitation of arable land reserved for the production of feed for intensive farming is constantly increasing and causes millions of hectares of deforestation every year. If we contrast the consumption of natural resources with the planet’s ability to regenerate them, on a global level, not even one and a half Earths would be enough to meet our needs: these are the findings of the latest Ecological Footprint report. And that’s not all: the climate crisis is now crushing agriculture and food production; growing cycles are disrupted; bees are disappearing, putting pollination at risk; harsh weather regularly destroys entire harvests; and farmers abandon land because a product ruined by hailstorms is not fit to be seen on a market where consumers want beautiful, standardised goods.

The author

Fabio Ciconte

Fabio Ciconte is director of the environmental association Terra!, writer and expert on agriculture and food supply chains. An activist engaged in environmental and social battles for years, he has carried out several investigations. For Laterza he is the author of Il grande carrello. Chi decide cosa mangiamo (with Stefano Liberti, 2019), Fragole d’inverno (2020) and Chi possiede i frutti della terra (2022).

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