Pages: 172
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788858131503
The Brilliant Language. 9 reasons to love ancient Greek
“It is to the Greeks that we turn when we are sick of the vagueness, of the confusion [...] of our own age”
Virginia Wolf
Every language captures the world in a unique way: the stranger the vision, the more interesting the language. This is the idea behind Andrea Marcolongo’s captivating book on the mysteries of ancient Greek.
Far from being a grammar primer, Andrea Marcolongo’s book is a declaration of love for a language and its ability to alter the senses. Ancient Greek, whether you are familiar with it or not, is a wine you have never tasted before, a unique vintage not unlike the one Ulysses used to outwit the Cyclops: each sip will leave you craving more.
This book will convince you that ancient Greek is as alive and important as ever: its power lies in the ability to express complex issues through simple, true, honest words.
A few reasons to love ancient Greek:
It is a peculiar language, which classifies verbs based on the nature of the action rather than their tense
In addition to singular and plural, it has a third grammatical number, the dual, used to indicate a couple (lovers, for instance)
We don’t know how words were pronounced, so it is a mute language
As a language, it is extremely succinct and precise
It has a specific mood, the optative, to express desire
It classifies colours based on their luminosity rather than their hue
It acts as a gateway to a lost world
La lingua geniale
Il greco, che insegna a stare al mondo
di M. Nucci
La lingua geniale
Meraviglia e desiderio. Il greco "La lingua geniale"
di Paolo Fai
La lingua geniale
Non saranno gli appelli a salvare il greco antico, ma un atto d'amore
di G. Sciandivasci
La lingua geniale
"Vi spiego le 9 ragioni pe ramare il greco antico"
di C. Ghedini
La lingua geniale
L'ultima moda? Il greco "rivendichiamo le passioni"
di M. Pucciarelli
La lingua geniale
Andrea Marcolongo "il greco ci insegna il mestiere di vivere"
di R. De Santis