Edition: 2015
Pages: 350
Series: SL
ISBN: 9788858118979

Historic Revisionism. Problems and Myths

Domenico Losurdo


Verso (UK) - Albin Michel (France) - Papyrossa (Germany) - Prosvjeta (Croazia)



An original re-reading of contemporary history, where critical analysis of historical revisionism – starting from Nolte's ideas on the Holocaust and those of Furet on the French Revolution – is bound up with a series of fundamental philosophical and political categories (international civil war, revolution, totalitarianism, genocide, philosophy of history, etc.).

The author

Domenico Losurdo

 Domenico Losurdo is an emeritus professor at the University of Urbino. His widely translated publications include: Historical Revisionism. Problems and myths; The Original Sin of the 20th Century; Liberalism: A Counter-History; Class War. A political and philosophical history; The Non Violence. A history beyond the mith. For Laterza he has also edited Hegel’s Historical and Political Writings and the Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels.

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