Edition: 2024
Pages: 186
Series: UL
ISBN: 9788842096047

Dehumanization. How violence is legitimized

Chiara Volpato



“In the history of our species, dehumanizing is there to help us consider others as imperfect human beings, animals, objects. It is there to enable us to carry out actions against persons that would be unacceptable in a normal context”.

 Chiara Volpato investigates the attitudes, behaviour, and social practices which, in an open and violent manner or in a subtle, devious way, exclude another person – opponent, enemy, odd man out – another member of the human race. 

The author

Chiara Volpato

Chiara Volpato is Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Milan-Bicocca. She deals with conflicts between groups, dehumanisation, inequalities and psychosocial analysis of historical texts. For Laterza she is author of Deumanizzazione. Come si legittima la violenza (2011) and Le radici psicologiche della disuguaglianza (2019).

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