Pages: 124
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842095538
Algorithm in Power. Daily life in the Google era
Antinucci offers us an invaluable vade mecum to the hit parade of internet successes, in the simple and urgent language of one who knows the avant-garde laboratories inside out. Mauro Calise, IlMattino
An informative, at times illuminating, and technically solid book. Highly readable and entertaining. Internazionale
The creativity that produces technological innovation is by its very nature unpredictable. Who could have foreseen that Netflix would forever change the movie rental business? Or that Google would succeed in making a search engine work well without any ‘manual’human intervention?
Creativity works in mysterious ways and then suddenly ‘germinates’: Francesco Antinucci explains the miracles and risks that emerged with the digital revolution, but also everything that can and could be done with Google, Netflix, YouTube, Wikipedia, Facebook & Co.