Edition: 2007
Pages: 590
Series: BSL
ISBN: 9788842084044

A History of Italian Publishers. From Unification to the end of the 1960s

Nicola Tranfaglia - Albertina Vittoria


The choice of authors and cultural strategies, the ups and downs of the market, corporate transformations, relations with politics and the economy: the first comprehensive overview of book publishing in our country, divided chronologically into four parts, from unification to the close of the nineteenth century, from the early 1900s to the advent of Fascism, and from the Fascist to the post-World War Two era. "This is a synthetic work. In some cases, the picture will be drawn in rapid brushstrokes: this choice reflects the current state of research, which is rather vast and detailed for some, incomplete and extremely scarce for others. At all times, however, there was an attempt to follow a precise path, divided into the diverse periods into which this volume was subdivided, on the basis of this country's political and social history".

The authors

Nicola Tranfaglia

Nicola Tranfaglia is Professor Emeritus at the University of Turin, where he taught European History and the History of Journalism. He writes for "La Stampa", "Unità" and "E Polis". His most recent works include: Fascism and Modernization in Europe (Turin 2001); How the Republic was Born, 1943-1947 (Milan 2004); Ministers and Journalists. The war and the Minculpop (Turin 2005); and The Regime's Press, 1932-1943 (Milan 2005).

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Albertina Vittoria

Albertina Vittoria is professor of Contemporary History at the Political Science Faculty in the University of Sassari. She is a member of the "Historical Studies" directorate, and writes about the history of culture and of twentieth-century Italian cultural and political institutions. Her publications include: The reviews of the Duce (Milan 1983); Intellectuals and Politics at the end of the Thirties (Milan 1985); Togliatti and the intellectuals. History of the Gramsci Institute in the fifties and sixties (Rome 1992), and; History of the Italian Communist Party 1921-1991 (Rome 2006).

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