Edition: 2001
Pages: 238
Series: SL
ISBN: 9788842061793

Seventeen Readings of Architecture

Vittorio Gregotti


Janus Yayıncılık (Turchia)



Seventeen brief essays in the form of a letter written by Vittorio Gregotti to very different people, to bridge the gap between contemporary architecture and culture. To Daniele Del Giudice on architecture and virtuality; to Guido Martinotti on the besieged city; to Wim Wenders on spot researches; to Gianni Vattimo on democracy and architecture; to Oriol Bohigas on historical centre and suburbs...

The author

Vittorio Gregotti

Vittorio Gregotti has worked all over the world. He has conceived, amongst others, projects in Berlin, Lisbon, Barcelona, Paris, as well as throughout Italy. He has taught in many European and American Universities and is currently professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Venice. For fourteen years he was director of "Casabella" and has written numerous books.

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