Edition: 2009
Pages: 566
Series: BUL
ISBN: 9788842054689

Women and Faith. Sanctity and religious life in Italy.

Lucetta Scaraffia - Gabriella Zarri (a cura di)


"I believe in one God, the Father Almighty": so says the profession of faith used in the Catholic Christian liturgy, immediately stressing the masculine nature of the divinity within a religion that from its outset has instead been characterised by its openness to the female presence. Not only does the importance and ambiguity of the relationship between women and religion derive from this contradiction, but also the sense that the most profound thinking on the role of women in the Western world resides precisely within the religious field.

The authors

Lucetta Scaraffia

Lucetta Scaraffia teaches Contemporary History at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She is a member of the National Commission on Bioethics and contributes regularly to newspapers and journals.

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Gabriella Zarri

Gabriella Zarri teaches Modern History at the University of Florence. She is a member of the Clementine Academy of Arts in Bologna and the Association "Il Mulino". A scholar of history of ecclesiastical institutions and of women, her publications include: Enclosures. Women, seclusion and marriage in the early modern era (Bologna 20022); The Religion of Lucrezia Borgia. The unpublished letters of the confessor (Rome 2006); and, Books of Spirit. Religious vulgate publishing in the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries (Turin 2009).

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