Edition: 2018
Pages: 64
Series: iCL
ISBN: 9788858127728

Darwin’s journey

Giacomo Scarpelli


Sarbacane (France)



Thus begins Charles Darwin’s famous journey around the world, with young Simms as his trusty companion and assistant. A long exploration of the globe, which revealed new animal species, remote places and, above all, new ideas: it is in this setting that Charles Darwin will formulate the law of natural selection.

One of the greatest adventures in the history of science: Charles Darwin’s journey around the world to discover the planet’s animal species - from the Brazilian jungle to the Argentinian pampa, from the remote Galapagos Islands to New Zealand, from Australia to the Indian Ocean.

“On Christmas morning 1831, I was crouched over a big bundle of damp rope on the bridge of the Beagle, a brig flying three spotless white masts. My name is Simms Covington, and at the time I was 15 years old and employed on the ship as a cabin boy. We were about to take to the open sea and sail towards distant, unknown lands, and I was wild with excitement. I ran to meet my passenger, a tall gentleman with a round, chubby face and blond hair. He extended his hand and smiled: ‘Charles Darwin – a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am a naturalist’.”

The author

Giacomo Scarpelli
