Edition: 2008
Pages: 532
Series: BSL
ISBN: 9788842086239

Eighteenth Century Italy. Crises, transformations, enlighteners

Dino Carpanetto - Giuseppe Ricuperati


The Italian enlightenment in a broad historical overview that narrates both the culture and reforms of the age of enlightenment together with the most recent findings of research. The work is divided into six parts. The first deals with demography and socio-economic history, and spans the entire eighteenth century. The second, which is focused on political, intellectual and religious theory, speaks about the reverberations in Italy of the crisis of European conscience in the first half of the century. The third and fourth, organized in chronological order and proceeding up to the crisis of the Ancien Regime, illustrate the policies and reforms of the times. The fifth concludes the debate surrounding the enlightenment in later years through an analysis of political and economic thought. The sixth shifts the focus onto the historiographic method and is concerned with how historians have reconstructed and interpreted the Italian nineteenth century, from Romanticism to today.

The authors

Dino Carpanetto

Dino Carpanetto teaches Modern History at the University of Turin. His most recent publications include: The Science and Art of Healing (Turin 1998); The Kingdom and the Republic. Conflicts and conflict resolution between the Savoy state and Geneva in Borders and Frontiers in the Modern age. A cross-disciplinary comparison (edited by Alessandro Pastore, Milan 2007).

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Giuseppe Ricuperati

Giuseppe Ricuperati teaches Modern History at the University of Turin. He directs the Rivista storica italiana and is a member of the Science Academy of Turin and of the Deputazione di storia patria subalpina. His most recent published works include: Borders and Limits of Reason. From the European crisis of conscience to enlightenment (Turin 2006).

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