Edition: 2008
Pages: 264
Series: BUL
ISBN: 9788842085577
Pages: 264
Series: BUL
ISBN: 9788842085577
The Foundations of Liberalism
What relationship binds liberalism and morality? What philosophical stance is in accord with liberal political theory? Two liberal philosophers debate a highly topical issue in liberal-democratic societies. There are those who claim that liberalism is the basis for every ethical value; those, instead, who say it leads to the extinction of all ties of solidarity. Dworkin and Maffettone ask, among other things, what it means to be liberal nowadays and what are the ethical implications? The book is divided into two parts in which the authors, starting from the shared premise that a liberal political philosophy must find continuity with its ethical hinterland, develop their philosophical analyses along parallel and independent lines. Ronald Dworkin devises an original model of moral theory based on the notion of 'challenge' that in his view characterizes ethical liberalism. Sebastiano Maffettone deals with the core issue of critical liberalism, in other words the question of compatibility between legal ethical-political thought and the plurality of world visions.