Edition: 2007
Pages: 272
Series: BUL
ISBN: 9788842084587

From Structure to Function. New studies on legal theory

Norberto Bobbio


Dalloz (France)



“The essays on legal theory gathered in this book all regard or touch on a dominant theme, that of the ‘promotional’ role of law. This is an issue whose exploration and discussion I see as vital for adapting the general theory of law to the transformations underway in contemporary society and to the growth of the social state. This adaptation has become necessary for those who want to understand the metamorphosis of the law from an instrument of ‘social control’ to one of ‘social guidance’, in other words to fill the gap between the general theory of law as it stands and the same theory as it should be in a social universes in constant motion”.

The author

Norberto Bobbio

Norberto Bobbio (Turin, 1909-2004) was one of the greatest contemporary thinkers. His writings range from the philosophy of law to political theory, from the history of ideas to contemporary problems. His publications in the Laterza backlist include: Saggi sulla scienza politica in Italia; Autobiografia (edited by A. Papuzzi); Dialogo intorno alla Repubblica (with M. Viroli); Dalla struttura alla funzione; Giusnaturalismo e positivismo giuridico.

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