Edition: 2007
Pages: 174
Series: BEL
ISBN: 9788842082361
Subject area: Filosofia

The Philosophy of Women

Pieranna Garavaso - Nicla Vassallo


Traditionally the history of western philosophy has not documented the thought of women philosophers: we don't find in the manuals the theories of Diotima, Ipazia and Elisabetta del Palatinato alongside those of Plato, Descartes and Kant. Philosophy, however, when it is put to good use is a conversation between different points of view in which the reasons for and against an idea are expressed and discussed with the aim of maintaining and strengthening the most convincing interpretations. When traditional philosophical theories interact with philosophical systems bearing a feminist stamp, original notions and ideas are generated, reflecting experiences of real life with greater fidelity. This is the strong thesis underpinning the volume by Pieranna Garavaso and Nicla Vassallo. In these pages women talk as protagonists and subjects of philosophical dialogue, discussing personal identity and knowledge and broadening the traditional fields of inquiry, ultimately diverting from the roads most travelled by.

The authors

Pieranna Garavaso

Pieranna Garavaso is professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, Morris.

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Nicla Vassallo

Nicla Vassallo is professor of the Philosophy of Knowledge at the University of Genoa and the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan. Author of books and essays in both Italian and English, she recently edited Philosophies of Science (Turin 2003).

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