Edition: 2023
Pages: 136
Series: IR/L
ISBN: 9788858150900
Subject area: Fact Checking

The Black Book of Classics

Giusto Traina


Les Belles Lettres (French); Ekistou Protou (Greek)



A small ‘black book’ on the political use of antiquity, which helps us to understand what is alive and what is dead in our connection with the ancient Greeks and Romans.

The teaching of the Greek and Latin classics is an antidote to the barbarism of our times. Right? More or less, given that these same classics have been called into question to justify barbarism, starting with the Nazis and Fascists who have fed their ideologies in the name of the classical roots of the West: the purity of the race, Roman manhood...

The author

Giusto Traina

Giusto Traina teaches Roman history at the Paris-Sorbonne University. Among his works: 428 dopo Cristo. Storia di un anno (2007); La resa di Roma. Battaglia a Carre, 9 giugno 53 a.C. (2010, winner of the Cherasco History Award 2011); La Storia Speciale (2020).

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