Edition: 2022
Pages: 136
Series: IR/L
ISBN: 9788858146668

When doctors make mistakes... And how to speak about it in public

Giuseppe Remuzzi



A timely critique of the media’s trivialisation of science.

Since the pandemic has become a major feature of our lives and of public debate, we are constantly witnessing discussions, often very heated, in which doctors and scientists express different or even opposing views on vital issues. The risk is not only to increase confusion among people, but also but to make them lose faith in science. And that is a risk we cannot afford to take. This is why in this book Giuseppe Remuzzi reconstructs the certainties that have been acquired up to now on the origin of the virus and on the methods for fighting it, pointing out the empirical nature of science and explaining its specific self-correcting way of proceeding, which does not aspire to certain or firm conclusions, established once and for all. Those who demand absolute truths from medicine are therefore wrong. In these pages, an author's guide reassures us of the exceptional results that research obtains every day and suggests a number of strategies to guide us through the uncertainty. The underlying conviction is that the lesson the pandemic is leaving us is that human health is closely linked to the health of animals, plants and, in short, the planet.

The author

Giuseppe Remuzzi

Giuseppe Remuzziis one of Italy's most respected and influential doctors. A renowned nephrologist, director of the “Mario Negri Institute” and columnist for “Corriere della Sera”, he has published books and articles in international journals. For Laterza, he is the author of La salute (non è) in vendita (2018).

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